Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy Award :)

I was given this award by Jacki at

For this award I'm to list 10 things that make me happy and try to do at least one today.Tag 10 bloggers that brighten my day and they are to link back to my blog and make their own 'Makes Me Happy' list.
What makes me happy:

1. Spending time with my husband. He worked hard the last 10 years we've been married, and I am enjoying everyday he lives. Love ya, hon ♥

2. My girls (they are really kitties, but don't tell them)-Crimson & Clover-such unconditionl love ♥

3. FaceBook-it allows me to connect with people I might not otherwise be able to find. I have reunited with old friends and made new ones along the way ♥

4. Featuring shops/sellers on HandMade News- I get a thrill out of making someone's day ♥

5. Making too much for dinner and then taking a meal to one of the oldsters in our neighborhood♥

6. Gardening- there is nothing as good as home grown ♥

7. The smell of carnations-I love putting one on my pillow in front of my nose and falling asleep to the sweetest smell on earth ♥

8. The sounds and smell of the ocean - if I sit in the sun on a hot day and close my eyes, I can almost smell the salt air ♥

9. Music- New Age, Classic rock, classical-just can't beat a memorable tune to carry one away to a different place and time ♥

10. Tacos, Tortillas, Anaheim Chiles, Cake BatterBatter Ice Cream, Oriental cuisine, Dr. Pepper on the rocks! ♥

Today I spent time laughing with the hubster, loved on my kitties, checked for updates on FB, listened to music, and had tacos for all in all it was a great day :)

Now to pass this along to 10 bloggers who make me happy-in no particular order:

Thank you for giving me inspiration, making me smile, and laugh. And thank you Jacki; I would have put you on this list if you weren't already there ♥

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Photos

It seems like everytime I logon anymore, the first thing I tell everyone is, it's still snowing or temperature is in the minus degrees. Well I really don't remember the first snow we got this winter...but I do remember the bitter cold we've had. Our record low so far this winter was MINUS 14.9! When it gets that cold it doesn't snow. It's just too darned when the temps started coming up, we were hopeful for some snow. At least when there is snow the temps stay in the 20's and 30's.

So here are pictures of what all my talk of snow has been about. I took these this morning after it got light enough..and yes these are color pics; it's just so gray from all the cloud cover. So standing in the middle of my street looking south:
You can see the plow has come by and left piles next to our curbs. Those piles are over 6 feet wide!

This is standing in my street looking north:
And those 6 feet wide piles that the plow has left for us? They are almost 3 feet tall too!

This is a shot from across the street so you could see our house:
I still hadn't cleaned off my truck (next to the house) and you can barely see the snowman I built weeks ago. He's the little lump to the right of the front door. His head is practically the only thing poking above the snow now.

Here's a couple of shots of the snowpile in our front yard. It is a misdemeanor for us to shovel snow into the street. So when I have to clear the sidewalks and driveway, I put it on the front lawn. See the shaved off edges? That is 12 inches tall right there. The pile is over 5 feet tall 15 feet long and 10 feet wide...and I have shoveled every bit of it myself with a snow shovel!

This is a shot of the front yard looking toward our driveway. You can barely see the car! and it looks like the snow is level with the house, but noooo... The snow is level with the porch which is 2 feet above ground.

This is the most snow we have had since I came here 11 years ago. Mr. Clay says they used to have worse winters than this when he was a kid, but you know how those stories go..'when I was a kid we used to walk to school in 10 feet of snow, up hill, both! '
yadda, yadda, yadda...
Snow ball fight anyone? I could make a huge igloo with all this if I wanted to! :)

Until next time...


Saturday, January 16, 2010

2010 Update

I meant to get here sooner and update, but no excuses, I just didn't have the right words in me and I am hoping that I have found them now.

First up is a Simple Abundance update-for me the messages in the first two weeks have been all about finding happiness within and being thankful for what I already have. This has been an easy task for me, since we live so simply, me and the hubster. We have never lived beyond our means-and that means no credit cards, no loan payments, no credit period. So happiness for me has always come from enjoying life's little pleasures-whether it's watching the snow fall or hearing the purr of my kitty as we play beauty parlor or smelling the wet soil as we plant the garden. Our challenge a couple of days ago was to obtain a journal and to write down 5 things we are thankful for everyday, and this has so far been simple for me. I think acknowledging and being thankful for what we already have is the first step in finding true innner happiness.

Second update is on the hubster-He has now been off all the drugs the Dr ordered and is feeling much better. We went to a rhuematoid arthritus specialist and found he does NOT have RA. Apparently the drug (Cytoxan) was causing all the problems with joint pain, bladder pain, skin darkenings. He still has his bad days, but he had those when he was on the horrible meds too. So for the most part, things are status quo with him. The extreme arctic weather we have been having has made it tough for him to go outdoors, as the cold temps burn his lungs.

Looking back over the last month or so, I guess I never blogged about losing my job at the trucking company. I was being lied to about a couple of important things-like my position and why I wasn't being hired (I was still employed through the temp agency). To make a long story short, I was instantly fired when I questioned the lies...and to be honest, I am glad. There were shady goings on with the financials and I certainly didn't want to be held responsible for whatever was about to happen. It is the first time in my life I have ever been fired, and I went home and we went out to diner and celebrated. It was a blessing in disguise!
Within a week of me being fired, I was offered a part/part time job at the Post Office. When 1 door closes another one opens. Not sure how soon before I start-I've done the background check and took the drug test yesterday. Just waiting for results now.

I think this has brought everything up to date. I am still looking for people to interview for HandMade News. If you make handmade items and sell online I would love to give you a feature. Check up there in the right hand corner where you can send me an email and I will send you an interview to fill out.

Til next thankful for what you have; it's probably more than you think!

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 ~ It's Time For Simple Abundance!

Here's to a Happy New Year and the beginning of a new decade! I have not made any New Year's resolutions this year and already I feel more freer and less stressed. I have chosen to live my life this year with a motto of 'Abundance'.

And what better way to support this motto, but to start my journey through Simple Abundance? Simple Abundance is a Daybook of Comfort & Joy with a 366 short essays that contain exercises and/or lessons to help one become a more authentic woman. What does that mean? I am not sure, but I am hoping to find out little by little throughout this year.

So here's to a new journey through a new year. I will be posting my progress each week and let you know how it goes.

Blessings of abundance to everyone :)
